Sunday, July 13, 2008

No name

So I've come to kind of a snag in our tour.

We signed up for a contest to open for Coldplay. and it appears that we're winning.
I really didn't expect that.
well, to clarify, we're just assuring that we make top three, and from there, Coldplay will choose out of three bands to open.

I'm happy, so this isn't me complaining, but its a bit scary. I almost don't want to win. Its such a huge leap for us. We'll be playing to 40 people one night, and then 20,000 people in an arena. I wonder if that leap is really what we need, or if we can take that leap.

Its just a really really really surreal experience. I don't think in all my days I would have thought that we could have opened for such a large band, let alone really get to the point where we play for that many people. Who knows how it will turn out, and I'm probably thinking too far ahead to be completely honest. There are two other bands that could be chosen.

So, we're almost done with tour. We have three days left. We have a show today in San Louis Obispo, and then a day off, and then our last show at Blake's in Berkeley.

the band we've been on tour with, Hazel and Vine, are really really nice guys. I'm having a lot of fun with them, and we've gotten on so well. They've been so supportive of us as well, and they've also been very gracious.

There are so many stories to talk about, from being on the road, and maybe I'll explain them later, but for now, I'm going to sign off and say " have a good summer"


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